Boglins King Dwork August 2021 Release IN STOCK


New release for 2021 by the original creators Tim Clarke and Maureen Trotto from Tri-Action Toys.

Item Currently available IN STOCK

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SKU: 860005089604 Category: Tag:


Having risen through of the Jokers, Dwork, who was found to have created some of the most notorious practical jokes in Boglin history, was finally made King of the Jokers. He deposed the old king with a whoopee cushion, a banana peel, and a water balloon. He assumed the throne with a boisterous fart that was heard throughout the kingdom and was cheered by all his followers. Many woman and children were incapacitated by the fumes and needed to be resuscitated. He possesses the Supersilliest Scepter of Sanmarcan. He won this at great personal cost at the infamous Battle of Biv.

Additional information

Weight 45 oz
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 in