Boglins King Vlobb May August 2021 Release IN STOCK


New release for 2021 by the original creators Tim Clarke and Maureen Trotto from Tri-Action Toys.

Item Currently available IN STOCK

This is NOT a Vintage item

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SKU: 860005089611 Category: Tags: ,


Vlobb is the brightest and most cunning of all the Boglins and has ruled the Medievals from the time before the Bog. He has enlisted by King Drool to protect the Kingdom of Gaul, Vlobb has been counting down the days until he will once again rule all the lands, but in the meantime he sits and reads and plots his revenge with his loyal henchmen Mord, Mace, Max, Mors, Murg, and all the rest of the Medievals. They have been plotting and waiting for a millennium, hence the new found popularity with the Millennials. King Vlobb possesses The Boomerang Battle-Ax of Bruma. A great Boomerang Battle-Ax competition was held at the turn of the century Vlobb was the only Boglin smart enough to duck on the return of the fling.

Additional information

Weight 45 oz
Dimensions 10 × 10 × 10 in